"De Jong demonstrates his in-depth knowledge of musical styles, and repeatedly lets us hear the logic of improvisation, as well as the phenomenal technical command and speed of thought which are needed to maintain this logic. These improvisations suggest how the great masters may have written their compositions: not out of nowhere, but while playing and experimenting with the musical material." (Joep Stapel, review in Dutch newspaper NRC, august 16, 2012)
Upcoming: 4th season as a Visiting Professor at the NUS Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music in Singapore 2nd CD in the Improdisiac series is on all streaming services Preview Video's up: Classified: jazz standards re-imagined, Prelude and Fugue in the style of Bach, Fantasy on themes by ChopinUpcoming events and selection of past events
First Years Creative project YST 2021 now released on YouTube! Singapore, November 2021. Find here the playlist to the creative projects of the 3rd years improvisation students at the Royal Conservatoire of Den Haag, May 2021 Concert at Maduro listening lounge @Dempsey. Streamed live on November 7 2020. Singapore Concert with inspired improvisations for the Asian Civilisations Musem. Streamed live from YST on October 30 2020. NUS YST Singapore See here the result of our First Year's creative project in times of COVID. An exceptional piece made in exceptional circumstances. The piece was named 'Alone Together'. YST Conservatory NUS Singapore August 19th 2020 Connected Improvisation, a presentation on improvisation and telematics in the Performers Present conference, international conference on artistic research in music. October 25 2019. NUS YST Singapore Piano Improvisation and Interpretation Masterclasses for AndVision, 27 September 2019, Tokyo Japan Improvisation workshops at Senzoku Gakuen College of Music, Tokyo Japan, 24 and 26 September 2019 Visiting Professor at the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music in Singapore, July->December 2019 Royal Conservatoire Den Haag: teaching Bachelor and Masters students of classical and jazz, coaching of Masters artistic research projects (ongoing) ESMUC Barcelona: teaching Improvisation for Pianists and mixed ensembles, teaching Composition techniques of the 18th/19th century (ongoing)
Presentation at the conference MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION IN MUSIC 2019, Madrid. June 19 2019. Festival of Classical improvisation, Guildhall School of Music and Drama, May 1-2-3 2019 Zweite Zukunftwerkstatt Improvisation. Improvisation Festival. Kunst Universität Graz (KUG), Austria, April 2-3-4 2019 Singapore Yong Siew Toh Conservatoire Visiting artist: Masterclasses and Concert with improvisations, August 6-20, 2018 Workshop with the European Chamber Music Academy, Den Haag 26 October 2017 Workshops for the Dutch Society of Singing Pedagogues, Groningen, 16 September 2017 Singapore Yong Siew Toh Conservatoire Visiting artist series: Concert with improvisations, August 15, 2017 Singapore Yong Sie Toh Conservatoire, Lecture on the use of improvisation as an educational tool, August 15, 2017 Singapore Yong Sie Toh Conservatoire, workshops improvisation with students, August 7-18, 2017 Concert with improvisations, International Piano Festival "Vila-seca Music Festival", July 11 2017 International Piano Festival "Vila-seca Music Festival", with Edith Fischer, Jura Margulis, Jean-Marc Luisada, Geoffrey Madge and others. Teaching Masterclasses Piano and Improvisation, July 8-15 2017 Teaching Masterclasses Piano and Improvisation, VIPA International Performance Academy and Festival, Valencia July 3-7 2017 Improvisation workshop with students of the Prins Claus Conservatorium, Groningen (NL) 29 March 2017 Zukunftwerkstatt Improvisation. Improvisation Festival. Kunst Universität Graz (KUG), Austria, March 14-16 2017 European Intensive Improvisation Project, Erasmus+ project METRIC. Royal Conservatoire Den Haag, March 1-8 2017. 14 European institutions, teachers and students together in an intensive festival about improvisation. Teaching, Coaching, Performances. Course of improvisation with students of the Master of Music Classical, Jazz and Pedagogical departments. Kunst Uni Graz (KUG), Austria, December 5-10 2016 Lecture concert at Senzoku Gakuen College of Music, Tokyo Japan, 8 November 2016 Workshop improvisation for teachers of European Conservatoires in the ICON Seminar, Kallio-Kuninkala, Helsinki, Finland, October 17,18 2016 Workshop improvisation for mixed ensemble in the First Years Festival, Royal Conservatoire Den Haag, 5 September 2016 Concert with improvisations on top of the 2877m high mountain Pic du Midi: Festival "Piano-Pic", Bagnères de Bigorre", July 17 2016 Concert with improvisations, International Piano Festival "Vila-seca Music Festival", July 12 2016 International Piano Festival "Vila-seca Music Festival", with Edith Fischer, Paul Badura-Skoda, Jean-Marc Luisada and others. Teaching Masterclasses Piano and Improvisation, July 9-16 2016 Improvisation sessions with students of the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music, Singapore. Location: Bali - Indonesia, May 2016. CD presentation concert at Salon Tessera, Sangenjaya Tokyo, Japan. 17 December 2015, 19:00 (advanced reservation only) CONCERT - The Art of Classical Improvisation ● 日程/12月17日(木曜日)19:00開場 19:30開演 ● チケット代/3000円(全席自由、予約販売のみ ● 場所/サロン・テッセラ http://www.salon-tessera.com/ ● 住所/東京都世田谷区太子堂4-22-6-4F ● アクセス/東京メトロ半蔵門線・東急世田谷線三軒茶屋駅 ●チケットは完売いたしました。ありがとうございました。
info@karstdejong.com Concert and Masterclasses of improvisation at Senzoku Gakuen College of Music, Tokyo Japan, 9 & 14 December 2015 Erasmus teaching visit to the Conservatoire National Superieure de Musique (CNSM) de Paris, November 24-25 2015 Presentation and concert appearance (Piano duo with Bert Mooiman) at the Classical Improvisation Seminar in the YPF festival Amsterdam, November 16 2015 Presentation at the SMT annual meeting of new research activities with Thomas Noll and Jason Yust. October 27-30 2015, St. Louis (US) Improvisation Workshop and Concert at the Chicago Pianoforte Foundation, Monday 26 October 2015 7pm. Concert at the Auditori Barcelona, la Sala 3, Tuesday 20 October 2015 19:00. Improvisations for piano solo and duo with Albert Mora, Flute. Concert with improvisations, International Piano Festival "Vila-seca Music Festival", July 15 2015 International Piano Festival "Vila-seca Music Festival", with Cyprien KATSARIS, Edith Fischer, Mikhail Petukhov and others. Teaching Masterclasses Piano and Improvisation, July 11-18 2015 Research presentation "Navigating through Harmony: A new approach to tonal improvisation" Royal Conservatoire Den Haag, June 12 2015 9:30 Studio I Concert with solo piano improvisations, historically inspired themes and themes from the audience, BARCELONA el Teatre Mès Petit del Mon, April 9, 2015 Masterclasses improvisation, Interpretation and Analysis. Central Conservatory of Music, Piano Academy at Gulangyu, Xiamen, China. March 9-15, 2015 "Feast of Classical Improvisation": Masterclass and Concert at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London 2nd March 2015 Workshop at the Reflective Conservatoire Conference, Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London 26 February - 1 March 2015 Masterclasses and Auditions at EPABI: Escola Profissional de Artes da Covilhã, Portugal. February 17-18, 2015 Research visit McGill University Montreal. Colloquium and presentation, January 25-28, 2015 Masterclasses of improvisation at Senzoku Gakuen College of Music, Tokyo Japan, October 20/22 International Vila-seca MusicFestival, with Edith Fischer, Peter Frankl, Balazs Szokolay and others. Teaching Masterclasses of Piano and Improvisation, September 8-14 2014 International Vila-seca MusicFestival, concert with solo improvisations, September 12 2014 Course of improvisation with students of the Master of Music Classical, Jazz and Pedagogical departments. Kunst Uni Graz (KUG), Austria, May 5-10 2014 Masterclass of improvisation for pianists, École Normale Supérieure Paris, march 8 2014 Special concert of classical and tonal improvisations, European Intensive Improvisation Project. Arnold Schoenberg Hall, Royal Conservatoire Den Haag, November 4 2013, 19:00 European Intensive Improvisation Project, Royal Conservatoire Den Haag, October 30 - November 8 2013, Teaching, Coaching and concerts Concert in the Vila-seca MusicFestival recital series, Thursday September 12 2013, 21:00 International MusicFestivalVila-seca, with Paul Badura-Skoda, Edith Fischer, Eduardus Halim and others. Teaching Masterclasses Piano, September 9-15 2013 XIX Festival Internacional de Música Clàsica, Sant Fruitós de Bages, Spain. Concert with solo improvisations. July 4th 2013 Concert with improvisations. Central Conservatory of Music, Piano Academy at Gulangyu, Xiamen, China. May 25 2013, 19:00 Masterclasses improvisation, Interpretation and Analysis. Central Conservatory of Music, Piano Academy at Gulangyu, Xiamen, China. May 24 & 27 2013 Erasmus teaching visit to the Conservatoire National Superieure de Musique (CNSM) de Paris, May 13-15 2013 Masterclass, NYU Steinhardt school of music piano masterclasses series. New York City, March 7 2013 European Intensive Improvisation Project, Royal Conservatoire Den Haag, February 13-22 2013, Teaching, Coaching and concerts Concert with solo piano improvisations, Auditori Josep Carreras, Vila-seca (Tarragona) Spain. November 16 2012, 21:30 CD presentation and Concert, Pianos Puig, Barcelona Spain. November 9th 2012 Piano Interpretation Masterclasses for AndVision, Tokyo Japan, October 13 2012 Improvisations for 2 Piano's, with Bert Mooiman. Festival 'Together Now', Spuiplein Den Haag, October 6 2012, 22:20 Royal Conservatoire Den Haag: teaching Bachelor and Masters students of classical and jazz, coaching of Masters artistic research projects (ongoing) ESMUC Barcelona: teaching Improvisation for Pianists and mixed ensembles, teaching Composition techniques of the 18th/19th century (ongoing) Concert with solo-piano Improvisations, Gümüslük International Music Festival, Bodrum, Turkey, July 28 2012 Teaching Piano & Improvisation, Eklisia Summer Music Academy, Gümüslük International Music Festival, Bodrum, Turkey, July 25/30 2012 Jury member AHMET ADNAN SAYGUN INTERNATIONAL PIANO COMPETITION, Gümüslük Festival, Bodrum, Turkey, July 23/24 2012 Concert with Albert Mora (Flute), Casa de l'Espiritualidad Barcelona June 30 2012, 18:00 Concert: Bartok Sonata for 2 piano's and percussion, ESMUC Sala de Orquesta, thursday may 17th, 16:00. With Natsuki Nishimoto. Concert with Albert Mora (Flute), 2a Convención de Flautistas de España, ESMUC Barcelona March 23 2012, 16:30 Two day recording session for Artist-Label, february 20-21 2012 Concert with Solo Piano Improvisations, Rathaus Torgau (DE), February 3 2012, 19:30 European Intensive Improvisation Project, Royal Conservatoire Den Haag, January 9-19 2012, Teaching and Coaching Concert at Steinway Salon Tokyo, Piano and Violin, with Karen Israelyan (Vl), November 29th 2011 Masterclass at AndVision Tokyo, November 26th 2011 Concert at Cotton Club Kofu, Piano and Violin, with Karen Israelyan (Vl), November 23rd 2011 Masterclass at Guildhall school of Music and Drama, London, November 14th 2011 Workshops with professors and students of the Academy of Music of Banja-Luka, October 31- November 1 2011 Concert in the Vila-seca MusicFestival recital series, Thursday September 8 2011, 21:30 Vila-seca MusicFestival with Paul Badura-Skoda and others, teaching Masterclasses Piano, September 5-11 2011 Concert and classes in the Piano-Pic Festival, Midi-Pyrenees France, July 18-29 2011 Presentation at Mathematics and Music Conference MCM2011, June 15th, Paris France Benefit Concert for the Japanese Red Cross in the Cotton Club, Kofu, Yamanashi prefecture May 3rd 2011 Piano Improvisation and Interpretation Masterclasses for AndVision, April 29 2011, Tokyo Japan